This method is based on the belief that everyone has their unique individual experiences and that your experiences and beliefs create your reality.
The subconscious makes rules in the If…then format and speaks in images or internal experiences.
If you have a negative image of an area in your life, that area doesn’t work very well in your reality.
- When you experience your image, it can be in your mind’s eye, a sensation, memory, or experience.
- Modified Thinker sculpture pose
- Say out loud -My man, my woman, my body, My business, My life, My reality – whatever you are wanting to look at.
- Wait for an image – you do not need to create it, it will come to you in your mind’s eye, like seeing something in your imagination, but you didn’t create it. If you see nothing or blackness this means the image is being blocked by guilt
- Once you have the image in your mind’s eye look to see if it’s a good image or if there is something wrong. For example, you have your dream house, but you are standing in front of it alone.
- Once looking at the image and finding what is wrong or different then what your dream image is, for it in an If…Then format.
- There are many ways to reprogram your subconscious image: to name a few.
- NLP –
- Psych-K
- Hearth math and creating congruency –
- Neurogym (John Assaraf)
- Mind Movies
- Paraliminals